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How to

Create a NEW

student account

Elementary Instructions:


Creating an Elementary FLVS Account


If you have previously created an FLVS profile, STOP, do not create second one. 


Creating an FLVS Account


  • Click HERE and choose “New Student”  You should see Santa Rosa Online at the top left of the browser bar. 

  • Select the type of school your student attends:  Choose Public School

  • Select the county your student resides in:  Santa Rosa

  • Select the school your child attends

  • Select your student’s grade

  • Select preferred start date

  • As a FLEX public school student you choose one enrichment course

       As a Full Time Santa Rosa Online Student choose all that apply

  • Click on select course and how many segments you wish your child to take

  • Read the statements and hit “agree” if you understand the expectations of virtual education. 

  • Answer the two question survey

  • Verify the courses selected and click “Continue Registration” 

  • Complete Parent/Guardian/Student Details, then click “Save & Continue”

  • Verify the Parent/Student information and click “Confirm & Continue”

  • An email will be sent to you for your child’s Username, please use it to enter their courses. 




Secondary Instructions: 


If you have previously created an FLVS profile, STOP, do not create second one. 


      Creating a Secondary FLVS account


  • Go to and choose “Enroll” on top navigation bar.

  • Choose “County Virtual School”

  • Choose “Enroll in 6 – 12”

  • Choose “Santa Rosa” for county, “Public/Charter School Student” for student type, then click “Continue.”

  • On “Refine Your Search” page, place cursor on backpack icon in upper right corner and left click.

  • Select “Continue.” (You will add courses later.)

  • Select “Create My Account,” fill in Personal Information, then select “Sign Up.”

  • Fill in the other information under “Personal Information.”

  • Under “Physical School,” select the appropriate grade level and make sure the county is “Santa Rosa.”

  • Enter ten digit student ID(#57)

  • Under “School Name,” choose your school.  Under “School Counselor,” choose your guidance counselor.

  • Complete the information under “Address” and “Telephone” and select “Next.”

  • Have your parent complete “Parent/Guardian Information” and select “Next.”

  • Complete “Race” and “Ethnicity” and select “Next.”

  • Student and Parent should click “I agree” under “Commitments” and then select “Submit.”



Requesting Courses


  • Login into your FLVS account and select “Request New Courses” from the top navigation bar.

  • Verify that your student information is correct and select “Save and Continue.”

  • Select “Browse Course Catalog” then refine your search by selecting the appropriate boxes on the left.  For instance, if you are a high school student wanting to take Algebra 1, check the appropriate level under “High School” and check “Mathematics” under “Subject.”

  • Select the course you want to take and then the following:


1) Select one or both segments, according to instructions from your school counselor.

2) Choose your preferred start date of ___________________( date given by counselor).

3) If you want a local Santa Rosa County teacher and your school counselor to have full access to your course

    should you have problems, under “Course Availability, choose “Select a District Franchise” and then “Santa

    Rosa Online” so that you end up with a green check on the right (see below).






  • Once you have chosen Santa Rosa Online and the date, press “Add to Backpack.”


  • At that point, you can request additional courses or logout.  ALL STUDENTS and PARENTS should be sure to watch “FLVS Quick Start:  New Student Orientation” (link found on the student dashboard when you login to FLVS) before the student begins virtual classes.

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